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Terms & Conditions

Outdoor Activities can result in injury. When signing up to Inclusive Sports activities you are deemed to have understood and accepted the terms and conditions outlined in the below Waiver.




Exclusion of liability – waiver of the right to sue – your assumption of risk – these conditions affect your legal rights!

INCLUSIVE SPORTS LLC, as the supplier of recreational services, to you (the customer) including, but not limited to lessons, equipment, equipment rental, and facilities, subject to the following conditions:


  1. By signing up to Inclusive Sports programmes, the customer is deemed to agree to these conditions.

  2. Inclusive Sports, its employees, directors and agents are not liable to the customer, his/her dependents or legal representatives for personal injury or death suffered by the customer because the recreational activities were not supplied with due care and skill or were not reasonably fit for their purpose or because of negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by INCLUSIVE SPORTS.

  3. The customer acknowledges that the recreational activities are dangerous with many inherent risks and hazards and as a consequence personal injury and sometimes death can occur and the customer assumes and accepts all such risks and hereby waives the right to sue INCLUSIVE SPORTS for any personal injury or death in any way whatsoever caused by or arising from the customer’s participation in such activities.

  4. WARNING: If you participate in these activities your rights to sue are governed by the laws of the United Arab Emirates. If you are killed or injured because the activities were not supplied with due care and skill or were not reasonably fit for their purpose, these rights are excluded, restricted or modified in the way set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of these terms and conditions.

  5. The customer agrees to pay the cost of and authorises INCLUSIVE SPORTS to take all steps it considers reasonably necessary to protect his/her welfare in the event of personal injury, including the administration of any emergency medical treatment and ambulance transportation.

  6. Participants must be in good health and free from any adverse medical conditions. For safety reasons, pregnant women, customers with pre-existing life threatening health issues or wearing casts are not permitted. If in doubt please seek medical advice.

  7. Inclusive Sports L.L.C. may use any photographs, video footage of you, your dependents, or other minors in your care who participate in our programmes, collected during your use of our sessions for publication and for use in advertising or promotional material. Such photographs or video footage may appear (whether on their own or in conjunction with other photographs, video footage and/or text graphics) on social media platforms such as Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; Youtube; and/or Snapchat. You hereby grant INCLUSIVE SPORTS L.L.C. the unfettered right to use all such photographs and/or video footage in such manner and hereby grant us permission to record, store, transmit, reproduce, replicate, modify, advertise and generally exploit all such photographs and video footage for our benefit and in such manner as we in our discretion deem appropriate. You consent to our use of all such footage in the manner described above and agree that the purpose for using such photos and/or video footage is for advertising, marketing, and promotional purposes only and is not intended to insult, defame or slander any person. You acknowledge and agree that your consent and agreement to the above is given for yourself as well as on behalf of any dependents or other minors in your care while involved in our programmes.  You also agree not to take photos for Commercial use without the consent of Inclusive Sports.

  8. If for some reason and at the complete discretion of inclusive Sports, an amount is refunded, it will be done only through the original mode of payment. 

  9. Minors under the age of 18 are prohibited to register as a user of this website and are not allowed to transact or use the website. 

  10. If you make a payment for our products or services on our website, the details you are asked to submit will be provided directly to our payment provider via a secured connection. 

  11. The cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Merchant policies and rules. 

  12. We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in AED. 

  13. Multiple transactions may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement. 

  14. This agreement:

a. is governed by the laws of the United Arab Emirates, the Courts of which shall have exclusive jurisdiction, and

b. if any part or provision is determined by a Court to be invalid or unenforceable all other parts and provisions shall still be given full legal force and effect.

Please note that our Terms and Conditions are subject to change and we encourage all students to review them regularly. By using our website and enrolling in our courses, you agree to abide by our Terms and Conditions.

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